Samstag, Jänner 15, 2005

I'm Off

I'm leaving for Iowa this afternoon, coming back Monday. Going solo.

Had planned to go last weekend but that didn't work out. My brother Mike is there right now also, until Tuesday.

Mom had broncoscopy yesterday to open up a pocket of fluid in lower left lobe of her lung. This is the same spot where cancer was thriving last summer, but she also has pneumonia that is not responding to antibiotics. She sounded pretty wiped out when I talked to her this a.m. Mike said she is having a harder time getting around.

I went to Bill's Imports and got fixings for gyros sandwiches, which mom said she would enjoy when we talked last week. No radio or such in the Honda, and the muffler is muffling less than it did last week, so wish me safety and sanity.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger KatyM said...

Prayers for a safe journey.


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