Mittwoch, Oktober 06, 2004


I woke up this morning to the sound of a toilet seat slamming several times against the bowl. Even startled the baby, who was sleeping next to me. Mental note: do homeschool presentation about how to lift and lower a toilet seat without waking up the whole gd house.

Shortly after that I was visited in my bed by two little dwarves who wanted to play with the baby. After wrestling around for 15 minutes, I said "hey, want to go watch PBS kids?!" "YES!"

Then I got up and dressed, put baby in the jumper in the kitchen and started cutting veggies for cauliflower cheese soup. We are overflowing with vegetables from the CSA, which is good but hard to keep up with! I ate a bowl of grape nuts, chopped veggies, and starting figuring how this day is going to work...

My mom has been getting a lot of scans (MRI and CT) lately, and today is another MRI. Her back has been giving her a lot of pain since she has been here, except for that mysterious time when her pains disappeared all together. Perhaps the brain cancer in the stem was shutting down part of her nervous system that allows her to feel pain? Anyway, since head radiation and laser surgery her body aches and pains are back, and now the question is whether the back pain is a sign that cancer is in the bone. I'm crossing my fingers that it is not.

The head MRI last week seems to have been good, showing that the tumors that were zapped with laser are gone, and all other tumors have shrunk.

So now I need to get everyone ready for travelling to MRI at 11:30 and chemo at 2. I think we will end up at a playground and maybe the Y or the library later. Today will definitely be an unschooling homeschooling kind of day.