Samstag, November 13, 2004

Can you believe....

Tim set up my blog counter so I can see where people come from when they visit my blog. Most come from Francesca's blog, interestingly enough! Anyway some freak got to my blog by doing a popdex search on "Mary-Kate and Ashley nude"!!!!!!

I have no doubt that my good friend Ted will not resist leaving a crude comment to this post!


At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

OK, I'll take the bait:

A) With a title like that, your blog WILL attract the occasional perv. How do you think I found it?

B) While I understand the twin thing, I don't understand the Mary-Kate and Ashley thing. I guess since they've associated themselves with endless amounts of junky commodities, they are bound to become commodities themselves.

C) I thought you *liked* freaks. Is this a matter of vocabulary or definition?

D) Have you posted any pictures of you doing Qigong on the web???


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Kate said...


I see you are sanitizing your act for my weblog.

a. Being an introvert who secretly likes attention, I'm starting to think that my subconscious had a hand in my blog name. I want to be like Mr. Plain Layne who got lots of hits by writing about her thong and her lesbian lovelife.
b. yeah
c. you're right. I usually mean "complicated and interesting" when I talk about freaks. And my life is full of fascinating fun ones. I should have said "perv" instead.
d. I'll work on that.


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