Dienstag, November 09, 2004

rough night

What I've been dreading about this season in Minnesota has finally happened. My mom and I have sore throats, Frank is stuffed up, Maggie is an emotional wreck and babykins got her first head cold. I hate this.

After our trying 3 times to get the baby into her crib last night, Tim finally gave in and brought her into our bed where she quickly fell asleep. For an hour. Then it was rolling around, snuffling, crying frustration because she couldn't breathe and nurse at the same time. Luckily she has settled down now and is hopefully sleeping the virus out of her body.

I think we will move to a blue state in a sunny climate the next chance we get.


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kate, Tim has me thinking about a move to Iceland!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I also hope your family gets well. I know how miserable it is to have a home full of the flu.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Is there a blue state with a sunny climate?
We're all sick down here in the sun, too, but not as scary with all the immune systems intact nor as bewildering when everyone is over 1 yo.


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