Mittwoch, November 03, 2004

little Mr. Contrary

Tim took the kids to our voting place yesterday. Maggie got to participate in a kid's vote because she is a kindergartner. Frank did not get to participate, and he was mad. He walked up to the kid's vote table, slapped his hand down hard and said "I want to vote for GEORGE BUSH!".

That is all we heard from him yesterday after we told him we were voting for the other guy.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger KatyM said...

Um, do we have the same kid or something? Zeff also threatened to vote for George Bush in a fit of pique! Where have I gone wrong????

At 2:13 PM, Blogger KatyM said...

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At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Looks like Frankie is going through a Republican phase, just like his Dad did...

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Oops - that was from me!



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