Dienstag, Mai 24, 2005

chinese herbs

Insomnia continues to bother me. The trazadone doesn't make me sleepy, just dizzy, so I stopped taking it after talking to my shrink's nurse. I've been relying on Sominex for the past few nights, since that works if I take two. Tonight I took some chinese herbs, however. I got them from the acupuncturist I started seeing a few weeks ago, after I learned that our HMO covers acupunture for certain conditions like PMS. I'd read that chinese medicine doesn't just address one symptom at a time like conventional medicine does. Instead it treats the body in a more holistic way, and considers all of the symptoms together.
Acupunture is also supposed to be quite effective for people who are depressed.

Nonetheless, the anti-depressants continue to keep me awake. The herbs put me to sleep around 11 p.m., but now I am awake again. It appears that I am out of Sominex, so I guess I will go try another capsule of herbs. Hope it helps because Maggie and Frank are here with me tomorrow, and if the baby's diaper rash still looks bad in the a.m. then I will probably keep her home so she get's some healing nudie-butt time. That means I will get to chase her around the house, hoping she doesn't poop on the rug. Or maybe I will stick 3 kids in the back yard while I take a nap on the porch.

Just kidding. Unfortunately for me.


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hope the acupuncture works- some docs say over the counter benedryl is the least "habit forming" to help with sleep.


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