Donnerstag, Oktober 07, 2004

energy shortage

Tonight I am tired. Actually my limbs have felt like lead most of the day today. Part of it is that I have not had a full night sleep for a while, not since baby gave it a try a couple of months ago but decided that screaming at 2:00 a.m. is more her style. What do I hear myself saying about this baby lately? "she never lets up!". Also that she is the most beautiful, precious and funny 5 month old on the planet. But, that night two months ago when I slept all the way through and woke up with this feeling like "wow, that went fast, but I feel great!", It was glorious. Scrumptious. I'm really looking forward to enjoying that luxury again someday. I don't know when, but I know it will happen because it happened with the other two babies!