Freitag, Jänner 21, 2005

on the road again

Mom had another seizure today but still doesn't want to leave grandma's home. The hospice people brought her a lift to get her in and out of chair and bed. Mike has been doing the communication piece, and he planned to call mom tonight and advise her why she should go. The hospice social worker told him that it's still her choice, and that is what he will present to her. It's good that he is doing the talking, because I don't have the patience. He says that her thinking and speaking have really deteriorated over the past couple of days.

I vacillate between being angry and being sad, along with a constant feeling of helplessness. I imagine that what my mom is feeling is 100 times more intense, with a whole lot of fear and confusion mixed in.

I'm planning to leave Sunday to go to Ottuwma again. I may end up being the bad-ass daughter who "puts" mom in Hospice House, and I'm not looking forward to it.