Donnerstag, März 17, 2005

kicking in

This evening I actually felt like myself again. All 3 kids were in daycare today, and I spent most of the day on the couch in the living room, sleeping and surfing. I made myself get up about 4 p.m. and drove to the nature center and walked the loop. I'd read that 30 minutes of walking in the daylight helps a body clear out depression more quickly. I've only managed to do it about 3 times in the past 2 weeks, however. When I got home Tim and kids were here. I was glad to see them, and it's been weeks since I've felt such spontaneous joy! I then made dinner, (fishsticks, frozen peas, frozen pizza, salad) and read to my kids. I sang along to the music they were dancing to in the living room. These may seem like small things to those who have no experience with depression, but the veterans know that they are like little miracles.

Tonight I thank God for modern medicine and the gift of SSRI drugs. It's scary to think about where I would be without them.


At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Woohoo! So glad to here you are on your way back! I've been thinking of and missing you.


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