Donnerstag, Jänner 27, 2005

slow day

Yesterday was a good, slow day with kids. Kind of felt like walking through molasses when I thought about trying to attend to the disaster of a house we are sitting in, but I try to remind myself that a clean home is not the most important thing!

Kids got up and Maggie wanted to do Math, so she got her workbook and brought it down to the couch and the three of us worked on it. Baby slept until 10:30 a.m. since she/we were up with teething and snotty nose the night before, so I could focus on kids more.

Then Frank wanted to play with animals (as usual!), so we decided to take them and sort them all by where they live. Grasslands, deserts, rainforest, moderate forest, ocean. We got their big book about animals out as a reference. Then Maggie wanted to look at their big book about the earth. Much interest in what is inside the earth, and good questions about why the waters of the ocean stick to the planet instead of flying off into outer space? Then looked at the chart of the solar system, which they both found fascinating. Baby woke up and I went up to get her, so Maggie took it upon herself to start reading the names of the planets on her own! Could my kids be any more enjoyable? Their bright and curious minds make them my favorite people to be with these days.

Maggie is getting really good at her writing now too. I compared what she did yesterday with what she did in the fall, and they are light years apart. I complimented her on her clear writing, and she said a simple "thank you!" without looking up from her work! This is also the child who taught herself to tie her shoes last fall because I kept saying "just a minute!" whenever she asked me for help.

How did I get so lucky to have such great kids?