Dienstag, Jänner 25, 2005

facts and poem

I got back last night. Spent most of the time in Iowa firefighting, putting out little family fires that have been starting since my mom's big seizure. Just things like trying to calm everyone's feelings after a Sunday brawl between two sets of mom's cousins in grandma's living room. And going to the bank lockbox to get grandma's deed and will so she feels less like Mike and I are on the verge of taking her house away from her?!? Sense? No, but crisis doensn't bring out our most sensible selves.

Mom is still in the hospital. Speech abilities come and go. Saturday night she was 100% herself, talking haltingly on politics and about the dogs. When I offered her some of the Paul Newman Orange flavored dark chocolate I'd brought for her, she grabbed the bar above her head and pulled herself up to sitting! That is my sugar fiend mom, being all herself!

Mom did a lot of crying yesterday while I was sitting with her, and also had a little seizure. She continues to have them, but no big seizures since Saturday morning.

Francesca was a GODSEND to me. I'm so glad she was there to be the person who I could talk to who is not too involved and not insane. Also had lunch with my sensible, sane grandma Wagner. Bean soup, carrot sticks, crackers with pimento cheese spread. Skim milk! A little infusion of balance and health before we went back to the hospital to say goodbye to mom and Grandma C. before heading home.

Francesca wrote . this