Donnerstag, März 24, 2005

more Dish

My friend Ted, who loves TV and sports, emailed me and asked if I'm watching a lot of basketball on the Dish. He knows too well that I am not! I wrote back:

I'm watching movies and shows on TNT, TBS, HBO (you can upgrade the Dish
with just the remote!), HGTV (Maggie enjoys this too) and Comedy Central.
Crank Yankers cracks me up sometimes, it is so absurd! I've been meaning
to watch it with Tim, but he refused to sit in front of the TV with me
unless it's time for late night "Curb your Enthusiasm". "Primetime in the
Daytime" gives me back to back episodes of "Judging Amy". Also I can really
get excited about an "All in the Family" mini-marathon on TVland. That
show is hilarious and brilliant and somehow very soothing. I make sure to
skip all news channels, sports channels, christian channels and court TV.
Also "A and E" is so misnamed! Garbage shows about serial killers are not
arts or entertainment! I do get stuck on E! sometimes, especially for
"insider Hollywood" shows like about the 90210 cast or Farrah Fawcett or
"Hot Dads" of hollywood. I will not watch the IH show about the Hilton
sisters or Laci Peterson. That's not Hollywood and would be suited better
to A and E crud. I am amazed at some of the program's I've managed to sit
through over the past few weeks, though, and sometimes more than once. A
show about Carney Wilson and her stomach surgery and her new husband who is
a back up to Wilson Phillips?

So, as you can see my depressed self is not funtioning in the world like my
regular self. Thankfully my regular self is emerging a little more every
day, though. You know I will be back to normal when you hear that I've
climbed up on the roof and ripped the Dish off our house and thrown it into
the trash where it belongs!