Donnerstag, Juni 02, 2005

Mac is back in TN

A guy came and picked up my Mac yesterday, and it is on it's way to Memphis.

I'm wondering if any Mac users know whether Microsoft office for Mac may have caused my problems? Tim's friend Sam said that his machine went kaput after he put on an older version of Office, which is just what I was trying to do when my computer went wacky. Luckily Sam knows computers and was able to save his. Also I don't think my problem was simply the software I was trying to put on the computer. I think my Mac's troubles went deeper, but didn't surface until Sunday.

I'm wondering if the newer version of Office would be friendlier to my Mac? Not that I want to go buy it, but I do want to use M-soft Word because there is no decent substitute that I can find.


At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey Kate, Checkout OpenOffice as an alternative. It has fairly decent interoperability between MSWord and OO. is a page that describes opetions for you OS X users.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Kate,

Your Mac comes with a nice program called Appleworks that has word processing, data base, presentation, drawing, painting and spreadsheet all integrated into one. The newer version of Mac os x tiger may not have the spreadsheet :( You should give it a try. I find it to be quite adequate and it does a nice job of opening Microsoft word files. And your licensed to use. Sorry to here your mac pooped on you. I'm a long time mac owner and will be happy to answer questions for you if you have them.


At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Kate! Sorry to hear about your Mac woes. I recently had an external hard drive that went dead (within warranty) and when I got the replacement drive back from the manufacturer all of my files had been restored! Hard drives are one of the few computer parts that still have a lot of mechanical, moving components, and those kinds of things just break sometimes. I think lots of times it doesn't effect what's stored on them, so maybe you'll get lucky as I did.

I've used Microsoft Word for Mac (and al the other MS Office programs) for many years without any problems, other than just little things that are annoying about the programs. I've never heard of Word causing a hard drive to crash.

AppleWorks would be a great alternative for basic word processing. It can't do as much as Word, but you probably don't need all that word processing power.

I'm glad the Apple customer service people are treating you right. I think one of the best things about Macs is that they don't become obsolete for a long time. I've lately been into patching together peoples aging iBooks, updating them, and watching with joy as they chug along for years and years. I just did a bunch of work today on our 6+ year-old orange iBook. I'm amazed at how well it works with current software, wireless internet, MS Office for OSX, and even iTunes. It's nice to keep em out of the landfills!

-Mike Macicak


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