Freitag, Jänner 13, 2006

free advice

I just spent WAY too much time reading blogs of people I don't even know (thanks, Steve), so I'm ready to dish some free advice to anyone out there reading this. IF you are sitting hunched over your computer with bloodshot eyes and a wry neck, wondering where you should stumble-surf to next and not really caring what time it is:

This is no way to live! Your time is worth more than this. Please, PLEASE get up and go for a walk or read a book or talk to another human being or just go get some SLEEP! That's what I'm going to do.

Sweet dreams and a good night! Here's wishing us all a 100% full night's sleep.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

so, does this cancel out your previous post here?

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Marianne got into circuslunch the other night too! Hey get some sleep. Please blog more you always have great posts.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Kate said...

No, I guess you are right, Tim. BUT, too much of anything is not healthy, and last night I took in an abundance of information that is useless to me. Plus, if anybody understands the sickness of internet addiction, it is you!


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