Montag, November 28, 2005

first week

Saturday night I finished my first week on Effexor XR 75 mg. Now I'm bumped up to 150 mg, as this drug needs to start out low and move up after 1 week.

how do I feel? A little zingy in my head sometimes, like tingly and cool around my whole scalp. I like it. had a few headaches this week, which are not typical for me. Also told Tim yesterday that I think the drugs might be working because life looks "just fine" to me right now. Or could be a placebo effect, who knows.

Get to find out if it helps in stressful time when I go to Iowa for my great-aunt Mary's funeral on Wednesday. My brother is flying to Des Moines, and we will go together. He suggests that this visit might be "just what the doctor ordered" for me as it could provide closure? I'm not agreeing with that yet. Will see.