Montag, Oktober 11, 2004

busy birthday

Today felt like I was in motion non-stop. My mom and I got up and out of the house by 7:45, as she had an appointment for labwork and I had my first visit with an endocrinologist for low thyroid. I've been taking meds since 98 when I learned I was pregnant and that being hypo increased risk of miscarriage, and I've been on it ever since. Just haven't seen a specialist until now because I haven't felt the need, but now I do. Blah blah blah.

Anyway, I dropped off my mom, went to my appt., waited around alot for M.D. and for labwork, then called to see if my mom was ready but she ended up going to the hospital for a blood transfusion. Her hemoglobin is low after every chemotherapy week, and she has received a tranfusion every time she's had chemo. So, then I had to start figuring out how to make this day work because a transfusion takes 4 hours, my friend John was coming to do childcare so I could go to work at 2, but my mom would need to be picked up...?!?! Luckily I am married to the best husband and son-in-law on the planet, so Tim went to a library near the hospital to work with his computer so he could pick my mom up and I could continue on with my own plan A for going to work. Got a little school done before John arrived and I was off to work. When I got home after 5 it was time to get ready to go to birthday dinner, so we got ready and loaded up the van and went downtown to Buca. It was an amazing feast, with friends Francesca, David and John all present at my mom's request. After dinner David took me to Target to get a picture frame for the family photo I had taken at Maureen's baptism party when my brother Mike and family were here from Virginia. This was my little birthday gift for mom. When I got home it was time to get little people into bed, which is easier said than done after a day filled with birthday excitement and sugar. Luckily Tim did most of the work because he is the best father in the universe. And now I have no business doing anything but sleeping while this house is finally quiet. But, I do plan to follow Francesca's advice and write about the things I love about my mom. She will enjoy it, and it will be fun to work on. And hopefully less rambling than what I just wrote.


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

I missed your birthday. I miss almost all birthdays. Today is my mom's birthday, and I mailed her gift today. Not my thing, I guess. Reading your blog, catching up, I am amazed at you, as usual, Kate. I have always been amazed at the grace with which you live your life. And now, sandwiched as you are, it seems more remarkable than ever.


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