Donnerstag, November 18, 2004

ferberization #1

In progress.
Baby screaming to high heaven.
I turned baby monitor off.
I type here and enjoy it.

Oh! It got quiet!

Oh! Tim went in and picked her up.

Now he's in the doorway holding her. Sleepy line between his eyes. Grumpy man!

Baby girl with sparkly-eyed smile. Snuffling from forgotten wave of tears.


What's a mama to do?



At 3:39 PM, Blogger KatyM said...

Sounds about like last night at our house, except as the baby's wails were dying down, the adults arguing about the best way to teach a baby to sleep in his bed got him going again. So I too spent the next 20 minutes nak. Then laid him down. What is he learning from this?

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved your post. It brings to light an issue in our home about the role of each parent. I can't tell you how many times I have found myself standing holding a screaming baby waiting for Sarah to fix it.


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