Montag, November 22, 2004


My mom finally got a call back from the M.D. who did her brain laser surgery, and I heard her tell him that she had been feeling "staggery" and drunk. She says she has been feeling like this since she went to Iowa. She has also been taking some narcotics for her back pain, so who the hell knows? But the doctor advised her to go on a low dose of Decadron, which is the steroid used to reduce brain swelling that could contribute to impaired walking. It is not unusual for the brain to swell a few months after laser surgery. Nonetheless, I don't much like the sound of this.

She did go to Cub with Maggie and I tonight, and it was her first outing since Thursday. She had been fearful about falling down somewhere in public. I suggested that if she is going to fall because her legs aren't working right, it will happen no matter where she is. And the paramedics would have an easier time caring for her in the spacious aisles of Target. She didn't find that funny.

Anyway, she is excited about Thanksgiving and making the dressing and pies. Frank is excited because he thinks that Thanksgiving now guarantees that it is also "snowtime". I hope not because I don't want my mom getting any more shut-in.


At 12:44 AM, Blogger KatyM said...

I too thought the part about Target being a better place to collapse was funny, but can see where others wouldn't think it so. Hope she feels better, though.


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