Montag, Februar 06, 2006

Happy Anniversary

7 years ago today Tim and I got married. We celebrated on Sunday by having my dad and Susie come over to babysit while we went to the Y and to the Broiler. Just to prove that we were celebrating, we did NOT order the usual. It's not exactly a romantic weekend away, but it was definitely enjoyable!

I've been using to study German lately, and I just came across a list of criteria for a good marriage:

Be honest.

Support one another's goals and achievements.

Respect each other.

Take time to share dreams and goals on a regular basis with your spouse.

Consider daily dialogue as a means of improving your communication.

Laugh together at least once a day.

Fight fair.

Be willing to forgive.

Remember kindness towards each other is a great gift.

Share your daily expectations.

Make decisions about finances, disciplining the children, chores, vacations, etc., together.

Take time to be alone together working on your intimacy. Schedule dates or romantic getaways.

BTW, the traditional gift for the 7th anniversary is wool or copper. Hmmmm, I wonder which one Tim will be giving me today?


At 3:42 AM, Blogger Matt_J said...

Happy anniversary!


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