Montag, Mai 02, 2005

Maureeny's Beginning

Before Maureen was conceived, I was not sure that I wanted to have more children. First there was the issue of my age (then 37), which my father in his typical sensitivity advised was "long of tooth". I also felt somewhat petrified about it, because I didn't know whether I could handle the challenges of 3 kids. Looking back now, I think my psyche may have had a heads up that life was about to knock the wind out of me. It just didn't know all the details, but had a general premonition of how hard things would get.

Anyway, I had a feeling that a third child was the right thing for me. It came and went and sort of tortured me. I was nervous about taking it on, but felt somehow called to give it a try. Tim was more certain than I was, and would shamelessly suggest that a sweet little soul was trying to make its way into our lives. What some men won't say to get a little action!

Needless to say, we opened up to the possibility one magical summer night, and BOOM! I was pregnant once again.

Today I ran across this Madeleine L'Engle poem that I had at the bottom of my outgoing email that summer. It goes partly like this:

After Annunciation

This is the irrational season
When love blooms bright and wild.
Had Mary been filled with reason
There'd have been no room for the child.

I love that poem, and see now it was a seed planting itself in me so that Maureen would get her chance to do the same!

BTW, and FYI to the curious, there is no way in hell that I will give birth again in this lifetime. My psyche is pretty darn clear that 3 is my magic number~!


At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

So glad to see you're blogging again! I've been checking in almost every day lately to see what's up with you. Hang in there. Summer is coming, and it always makes things better. Love, Heidi


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